Payday loans, or cash advance loans, are short-term personal loans that provide cash to qualified borrowers, which are due by their next payday.
They’re helpful for Tacoma residents who need aid for emergency expenses or financial support.
In Tacoma, the maximum loan amount you can receive is $700, or 30% of your gross monthly income, whichever is less.
The annual interest rate, which combines interest rates and fees, is 15% on the first $100 and 10% above $500.
To receive an online payday loan, a borrower must be a Washington state resident and at least 18 years old. They must submit valid government IDs, proof of income, bank account details, and contact details to their chosen online lender.
Online payday loans in Tacoma provide borrowers with quick and secure cash after pre-approval. Bad credit loans are possible as credit checks aren’t always required.